Queen BeHavior

Sunday, April 9th,
6:00 PM (ET)/ 5:00 PM (CT)

The Queen Behavior

aster Life Class is a

Deep Dive on

Self Esteem


🔑How to embrace a higher level of Self Esteem that creates better life choices

🔑How to create boundaries you can live by

🔑How your identity impacts your Self Esteem

🔑How your Self Esteem Impacts Your Choices and your results in Life

🔑What Queen Behavior truly means

🔑How to Amplify and embrace healthy Self Esteem, quiet your mind, comfortably express your concerns and needs, and improve your relationships and life results.

🔑How to tap into your feminine energy of receiving. Embody the truth that you are valuable. You deserve a life with ease and flow.

Tanya Wilson

The Growth Strategist

Master Life and Business Coach

    ~Disclaimer I am a Certified Life Coach. I operate in a space of clarity, insight, moving forward, and aligned strategy. If you feel you need therapy, or medical advice, please seek aLicensed practitioners, Licensed Therapist and Licensed Counselors. Referrals are available.